In the department wide ‘Great MCDB Bakeoff Competition’ Benoit won first prize for his scrumptious raspberry cheesecake! He definitely has ‘good hands’.
We say goodbye to Adam with a trivia party! After more than a decade in the lab, Adam moves on to an plant biotech industry position; we will miss you!
Joanna graduates from Yale, and is the winner of the Buell prize for research! We will miss her after her three years of being in the lab. Good luck Joanna!
Vivian has been elected as a 2023 fellow of the American Asssociation for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). Election as a Fellow honors members whose efforts on behalf of...
Ruirui successfully defends her dissertation, and her major paper is accepted for publication in PLoS Genetics. Congratulations Ruirui on all your accomplishments!
We sadly say goodbye to Cintia with a farewell party and a friendly quiz competition (who knows the most about Cintia and Brazil?). We wish you all the best back in Brazil!