Geoffrey, Benoit and Cintia give a terrific talk on the citrus project, explaining everything from how and why we are sequencing the Carrizo citrange genome, to how we have...
Megan joins the group as a postgraduate associate; she will be a great addition to the citrus team!
The Irish lab survives (nearly unscathed) after an afternoon at the trampoline park!
Recent work from our lab has been profiled in the 13 January 2023 issue of National Geographic (Spanish edition), discussing ‘Why do plants have thorns?’ To...
Vivian enjoyed a visit to Vancouver to attend the SDB-PASEDB joint conference, present our work on thorn development, see old friends and hear some great science. Thanks SDB...
Congratulations to Ivy, who has won a prestigious two year Taiwanese goverment fellowship to continue her studies on hormonal regulation of citrus architecture. Well done...