Cintia joins the lab as our newest postdoc! Cintia received her Ph.D. from University of California, Davis, and will be focusing on developing Citrus Crispr mutants that...
We celebrate two lab milestones with a socially distanced get together; we welcome Corina as our newest lab member, and celebrate Fei’s birthday!
Ivy joins the Irish lab and rapidly passes her prospectus exam! Despite Covid restrictions, she is hitting the ground running, and embarking on her project to investigate...
Fei is lead author on our paper reporting on gene regulatory networks controlling stem cell arrest and concomitant thorn formation in Citrus. Great job Fei! See https://...
Vivian and Josh are featured in the Daily Nutmeg, in a column discussing the new YSB greenhouse. Thanks to Kathy Czepiel for a great writeup! For more see the article at:...
We celebrated the opening of the new, state-of-the-art YSB rooftop greenhouses with a fruit-themed party for the whole department. We have amazing growth spaces with a wide...